Early Years Curriculum
In the Reception year at Moorlands Primary School, we believe that all children deserve an education rich in wonder and memorable experiences that allows children's natural creativity and curiosity to flourish, alongside the purposeful acquisition of skills and knowledge.
We believe that an education that does all of this gives children the best chance to become well-rounded, happy individuals, ready to succeed in an ever-changing world.
Our curriculum celebrates diversity and supports the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Those children with particular needs, including SEND, are supported appropriately allowing them to be successful.
Children’s learning is underpinned by the Characteristics of Effective learning:
playing and exploring – children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’
active learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements
creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing this
We strongly believe in the importance of play for children’s development. It is enjoyable and helps children to develop social skills, executive function and self-regulation, imagination and creativity. It enables children to take their first steps towards tackling problems and conflict without adult intervention. Adults will be actively involved as ‘play partners’, taking the children’s lead in how they participate.
In order to reduce cognitive load, especially when learning something new, we use the following principles:
Link new information to prior knowledge
Reduce visual and auditory distractions (e.g. calm learning environment, activities focused on what we want children to remember and not distracted by the fun part of the activity)
Use daily routines (e.g. reinforce days of the week and weather conditions each morning)
We strive to:
Provide a curriculum that offers children a wide range of opportunities which will broaden children’s experiences while still ensuring that we do not expect children to aspire to things they have never encountered. We will provide opportunities to try new things and encouraging them to relish a new challenge
Consistently have high expectations to help encourage them to develop perseverance and self-belief allowing them to problem solve and achieve
Provide a learning environment that inspires children to learn and always achieve their potential; offering support to those who need additional help in order to maximise their chances of achieving the Early Learning Goals and ensure gaps in learning are being bridged
Provide children opportunities to develop their sense of wellbeing and ability to regulate their feelings so that they feel confident in our community and are equipped with all the tools they need to transition to Year 1 effectively
Develop the skills and expertise of staff working in EYFS through regular and comprehensive professional development
We have identified the following Curriculum Drivers to steer our curriculum:
Democracy (making decisions, negotiation)
The Arts
At Moorlands Primary School, we offer a curriculum which is broad and balanced and which builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points. We follow the Early Years statutory framework and Development Matters.
These documents specify the requirements for learning and development in the EYFS and provide the prime and specific areas of learning we must cover in our curriculum. Each topic planned is included in the curriculum for very specific reasons to ensure that all children leaving the Reception Year are ready to start the Key Stage 1 curriculum. Topics are introduced through a hook (exciting event) to engage the children and help make them excited to learn more. Each topic is linked with a good quality storybook or age appropriate non – fiction text. Using books in this way teaches children that books and reading form the basis of all learning. Our curriculum is structured through half-termly topics. However, we also follow our children’s interests, incorporating these into our curriculum and continuous provision in an exciting and engaging way that moves the children’s learning forward. We also provide enrichment opportunities based on what we learn about the children and any gaps in their cultural capital. This may involve following a class theme where we take advantage of cross curricular links in order to combine transferable skills and develop a wide-ranging vocabulary which underpins the children’s learning. This may also include following individual children’s interests during child initiated learning and making the most of those focused moments where the teaching and learning can be maximised in a one to one way with teacher and child. Each year creates its own unique blend of whole class, guided, adult directed play and child-initiated play activities dependant on the nature and needs of the class of individuals.
These intended topics may change depending on the interests of the children and any learning that needs to be adjusted in order to ensure all children are fully engaged and making the best progress.
Foundation Stage Topics:
Each day is structured with an appropriate balance of both teacher-directed learning and child-initiated learning. During teacher-directed learning, children are active learners in order to practice and embed skills. During child-initiated learning, children take part in plan, do, review activities of their choice across the whole learning environment, both indoors and outdoors.
We have set out intent and implementation for each area of learning with appendices attached detailing how some of these areas of learning are carried out and structured at Moorlands. This puts language and vocabulary at the forefront of all of our learning and keeps our provision consistent to ensure children are embedded in routine which helps set them up to be confident and successful learners with a balance of adult directed teaching and child initiated learning in order for the children to embed and practise the skills they have been taught into their everyday play; making their learning relevant and purposeful, giving them lifelong skills.
Progression – Milestones:
Milestones are the markers of progress towards reaching the Early Learning Goals. These are broken down across the year into 5 checkpoints. The first being milestones we would wish children to have met at pre-school and thus displaying when they start school. Working from these helps us to identify gaps within any child’s learning which we work to close as they start school. Checkpoint 2 is reviewed in December, checkpoint 3 in March (at the end of the Spring term) and checkpoint 4 in May; before assessing the ELGs (checkpoint 5).
Progression – Areas of Provision:
In each area of learning (in our intended curriculum) and in each milestone, there are five areas of provision, which meet the changing needs of learners as they progress through the milestones towards the Early Learning Goals:
Learning experiences – setting up the learning experiences and, where possible, using a story to do so
Continuous provision – the opportunities children have to play around with the learning, finding out new things and consolidating their knowledge
Outdoor environment – opportunities to further the learning in the outdoors, a different environment presenting different challenges and experiences
Purposeful pedagogy – choosing the best strategies for children’s learning; providing a well-planned learning environment, both indoors and outdoors
Learning conversations – examples of different types of questions and approaches to encourage children to talk about their learning.
Children’s learning in the EYFS are underpinned by the ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ in which children learn by playing and exploring; being active; and thinking critically and creatively. This takes place both indoors and in our outdoor area. We are passionate that our outdoor area is open all year round and in all but the most challenging weather conditions. Children make their own decisions about where they learn best and teachers ensure that there are opportunities for all areas of learning both inside and outside. We promote these Characteristics of Effective Learning through our Moorlands dinosaurs – Playadocus (playing and exploring), Activsaurus (active learning), and Thinkimus (creating and thinking critically). This helps give the children something to relate to and engage with. Each fortnight we give the children one of these characteristics to focus on with a specific trait for the children to try to display throughout their learning. This helps the children to broaden their vocabulary and become more well-rounded and successful learners, who are ready to try new things, persevere through challenges, work collaboratively with others, plan and evaluate their learning to name a few. Staff use stickers and certificates to help promote and encourage children to display these characteristics in their learning as well as confidently talk about them and how they have helped them to learn. We also celebrate in class examples of where we have seen the children use these characteristics to encourage all children to try.
Phonics Programme:
At Moorlands, we follow the FFT ‘Success for All Phonics’ programme. Children take part in a daily Phonics lesson as well as a linked reading or writing lesson every day. There are additional ‘Keep Up, Catch Up’ opportunities for children who find this area of learning more difficult.
Each child takes home a reading book appropriately matched to their phonics level. They also have access to these books electronically.
Areas of Learning and Provision:
Here we lay out the Intent, Implementation and Impact for each of the seven Areas of Learning within the Foundation Stage Statutory Framework.
Prime Area: Communication and Language
Children are encouraged to become confident communicators who use a variety of rich vocabulary within a range of situations and conversations. They are eager to learn and understand new words and feel confident to use this vocabulary themselves. They are also helped to be clear in communicating their needs, wants, interests, thoughts and viewpoints. Our children are able to listen to others’ ideas respectfully and respond sensitively to those they disagree with. Speaking is used to ask relevant questions and to connect ideas. They understand the importance of listening and have developed their ability to follow more complexed instructions.
Our topics, routines and environment promote high quality communication and language development. Exciting and vocabulary rich texts are used to introduce children to new vocabulary, while also promoting curiosity and discussions, where children can ask and answer questions. Our children are encouraged to contribute to group and whole- class discussion whenever possible. Children who struggle to communicate are targeted in the provision, and learning interventions are used when children lack confidence or do not have the expected level of development. Through our continuous provision and our learning environment, pupils are exposed to situations where they can experiment with the new language they have acquired (such as through role play, small world, construction or while investigating in our Interest Area) and use their listening skills as they interact with peers and adults. By being exposed to new experiences, our children apply their speaking, listening, questioning and reasoning skills. Routines such as Snack Time are valuable opportunities where speaking and listening skills can be modelled and promoted. The adults within the Foundation Stage model effective speaking and listening attributes (such as the use of language, looking at the person you are having a conversation with, speaking clearly and calmly and listening patiently) and use questioning and resources to further pupils’ own development. Repeating sentences back to children, extending what they have said or describing and commenting on what is happening are also used to develop speaking and listening skills. Children are also taught to work with a learning partner where good communication skills are modelled and promoted and children can learn to feedback to one another and support each other in their own communication skills. We reflect on our observations and interactions with our children, using our knowledge and assessments to then provide developmentally appropriate experiences that are linked to our children’s next steps and interests. Vocabulary is also shared half termly with our parents in order to support words that children will be learning in different areas of their learning such as our topic, maths and PSED.
Below shows the progression of skills that build to the Communication and Language Early Learning Goals.
Through our high quality teaching and provision, we aspire for all children to reach the Early Learning Goals by the end of the Foundation Stage. All staff within the Foundation Stage know the children’s next steps and how to progress their knowledge and skills through interactions, play, resources and group and whole class work. We use our continuous and enhanced provision to support children and close the gaps where children have met barriers or challenges in their learning. Vocabulary screening helps us to show the impact on the most vulnerable children within our setting. Our children move into Year 1 with the confidence and skills to express themselves in a range of different situations, using a wide variety of rich language. They also have developed their listening skills and understanding in order for them to become great communicators.
Prime Area: Personal, Social and Emotional Development
We aim for our children at Moorlands to become confident, independent and respectful individuals; who show empathy to others and express their feelings appropriately, having developed positive attitudes about themselves and those around them. Each child will be a valued member of the class and their own identity will be shaped through an increasing awareness of their own and others' needs. Our curriculum will have shaped positive dispositions to learning, helping children to be cooperative and communicative. Pupils will show determination to complete a goal, and demonstrate resilience in the face of challenges. Our children demonstrate an understanding of what is right and wrong, and why this is important. They understand there are consequences for behaviour, whether through rewards or sanctions. These characteristics underpin all that we do within the Foundation Stage. Through this area of learning pupils will have also developed an understanding of how their bodies work and what they need to be healthy and safe.
This area underpins all aspects of a child’s daily life at school. We believe that children need to have strong emotional awareness and intelligence in order to successfully navigate other areas of the curriculum; and so we tailor our learning to children’s needs, putting emotional literacy first and foremost. We have a rich variety of policies and activities which aim to support children’s progress towards the Early Learning Goal. These include regular assemblies based on PSED themes, Circle Times, themed days and weeks (for example Anti-Bullying week) and our school wide use of the behaviour policy. We use a wide range of texts and stories in order for children to explore emotions and understand others. We work on recognising emotions through body language and facial expressions and help model how to respond to the feelings shown by others. Children are supported to solve their own problems and find fair solutions which everyone finds fair and reasonable. We create a safe and open learning environment where children can talk openly to their peers and staff and are also given opportunities to share their feelings through non-verbal opportunities such as a worry box or worry monster which are used consistently in every classroom at Moorlands. Children who find this area of learning especially challenging will be given tailored provision in order to be able to successfully and safely manage their feelings and behaviour and start to understand how they can make others feel. Throughout the day adults in the Foundation Stage model respectful relationships, demonstrating how to react to others and their emotions and how to interact with others in a variety of situations. We also as a school follow the Jigsaw programme to teach RHSE, covering a different aspect each half term; this supports all our other PSED teaching. We regularly think about how to look after our bodies and how to keep safe. For example, we discuss how to keep safe in the dark during our ‘Santa’s Transport’ topic.
- friend
Below shows the progression of skills that build towards the Personal, Social and Emotional Development Early Learning Goals.
By the end of the Foundation Stage our children have developed and demonstrate an understanding about how relationships work, and how we show respect for others, creatures and material objects. They respond appropriately to one other and any challenges they may face. They follow the school behaviour policy, understanding why there is a need for rules. Pupils can explain the importance of physical activity and the effect this has on their bodies.
Prime Area: Physical Development
Our hope is our children will develop a love for being active, growing stronger in both gross and fine motor skills and looking after themselves. During their time in the EYFS, they will have experienced a diverse range of physical activities and challenges. This area of learning offers opportunities for pupils to develop and practise the control they have over their own bodies. It allows for them to develop the confidence and skill in large gross motor movement such as running, jumping, climbing etc. Children also develop their spatial awareness and coordination, whilst at the same time encouraging the fine motor skills they need to develop holistically; which in turn will help them in many other areas of learning such as Literacy and Mathematics.
Pupils will have had ample opportunities to develop and practise the control they have over their own bodies, giving them confidence and skill in large gross motor movements such as running, jumping and climbing, as well as in using their fine motor skills. The Physical Development curriculum is designed so that children learn how to take measured risks and enjoy being active, both inside and outside. They not only use the designated Year R outside space, but also access the school playground, field, trim trail, school scooters, Year R balance bikes and take trips to our school woods. We have a weekly PE session either in our school hall or outside, as well as daily access to lots of PE provision during child initiated learning. There are also daily ‘Happy Hands’ sessions in our timetable in which the children rotate around a carousel of fine and gross motor skill activities. We also use morning jobs as an opportunity to do yoga or wake up, shake up while incorporating lots of opportunities for Jiggy Wrigglers or dancing or stretching throughout the day to keep the children active and break up our more focused learning times. We are passionate that children’s physical development is key to their success across all other areas of learning and for this reason we make sure it is incorporated into all other areas of learning through cross-curricular opportunities such as fine and gross motor skill activities out during our writing sessions and peg boards, scissors and other finger gym activities in maths as well as gross motor opportunities such as hop scotch or aiming at numbered targets with equipment. We ensure all children have sufficient physical development skills before we push writing to give the children the opportunity to comfortably develop their muscles and finally their pincer grip. Pupils become comfortable and confident when using mark marking and writing instruments, demonstrating the correct pencil grip, and show that they can use cutlery effectively during meals and relevant activities. Our children use their fine motor skills through many of our day to day activities, such as when opening paint bottles and building with the small construction, demonstrating how the development of fine motor skills are implemented through the curriculum and continuous provisions. We also ensure that children are given the support they need at both school and home to ensure they are independent in dressing and their fine motor skills enable them to become independent in doing up zips and buttons.
Below shows the progression of skills that build towards the Physical Development Early Learning Goals.
We strive to help all children achieve the Physical Development Early Learning Goal by the end of Reception. They are spatially aware, co-ordinated and confident in their movements. Children demonstrate correct pencil grip for sustained periods and can work with small items. Staff quickly see any children who need further support, and act accordingly, knowing how to progress a child’s skill in the area.
Specific Area: Literacy
We wish to install in our children at Moorlands, a love for reading. Pupils enjoyed spending time reading and discussing content and their own ideas around a text. They will be confident in reading decodable words and a large number of high frequency words. They will write simple sentences that can be read by others and demonstrate their secure phonics knowledge. Pupils show independence by seeking resources, (for example word/sound mats) to help them develop writing independently. They identify purposes for writing, such as cards, stories or shopping lists. Our pupils know that their writing is highly valued and can always be improved by reflecting on the process.
The importance of reading and writing is activity promoted through a literature rich environment including; stories, songs, poems, mark making and writing in a variety of different contexts and for different purposes using a wide range of media. Children are exposed to reading and writing through all our areas of provision promote, discreetly or directly, active mark making and writing. This is endorsed in both outdoor and indoor provision. Adults are skilled at encouraging literacy opportunities through children’s play and add challenge where this has a focus for the child’s next step. Where support is required there are appropriate strategies to instil a love of books. In Reception pupils are taught Phonics on a daily basis through the FFT ‘Success for All’ program of study. Every child will have two texts linked to their phonic phase to take home each week (one of these being an e-book sent home from the FFT program). They will also have the sounds we are focusing on each week and key words to practise at home. Our Children read through shared reading which is also part of the FFT ‘Success for All’ program, as well as at least half termly 1:1 reading with their class teacher. Through our topics pupils are exposed to new and exciting texts that were brimming with rich language. Children who need further support are given intervention programmes through booster groups in phonics, or a Keep Up, Catch Up phonics intervention alongside any other reading or writing interventions they may need. All staff in the EYFS know children’s next steps and how to support children in meeting these through our continuous and enhanced provision.
• author
• book
• letter
• page
• sound
• text
• title
• vocabulary
• word
• core strength
Below shows the progression of skills that build towards the Literacy Early Learning Goals.
Our children make excellent progress from their reading and writing starting points. They can read a variety of print including signs, captions, sentences and texts. Pupils have a love of stories, books and reading, and have developed a sense of wonder of the world of books. They are keen to share their reading with adults and understand that this is the key to accessing the wider curriculum. Our pupils understand writing is a form of communication and can write phonetically plausible sentences that they and others can read.
Specific Area: Mathematics
Our children will leave the Foundation Stage at Moorlands having had many opportunities to develop their understanding of number (including the composition of numbers, number bonds and subitising), numerical patterns (including odds and evens and doubling), measurement, shape and space in a broad range of contexts in which they can explore, enjoy, learn, practise and talk about numbers and shapes. We encourage pupils to understand and respond to the symbols that represent numbers and what this means in real contexts. We support children in understanding what an important role shapes and numbers play in our everyday lives and how they develop our own understanding and help us to solve problems. We approach this area by fostering a love of number and the enjoyment of solving problems.
Our children explore maths, using mathematical vocabulary to reason and explain their findings. They then use these skills to make better sense of the world around them, relating pattern between mathematics and everyday life. Teachers teach the skills needed to succeed in mathematics providing examples of good practice and having high expectations. In Reception, each day children take part in a quick ten or fifteen minute ‘Magic Maths’ session, as well as a weekly Everybody Maths session in which they experience a longer maths session where a particular concept or element is introduced or explored in more detail, with lots of opportunities for the children to practise and embed it themselves, while manipulating resources and learning through hands on experiences and problem solving with their peers. There is also multiple opportunities throughout the day where basic skills are taught discreetly throughout our daily routine and activities e.g counting during the register, when lining up, discussing the date when completing the calendar, using tens frames to see how many children are present that day, shape hunts, shape language etc.
Throughout EYFS we create a rich environment, where talk for maths is a key learning tool for all pupils. There are opportunities for our children to explore and develop their mathematics throughout our learning environment, inside and outside. Adults are skilled at encouraging mathematical opportunities through children’s play and will challenge where this is a focus for the child’s next step.
how many?
numbers to ten
Below shows the progression of skills that build towards the Maths Learning Goals.
All children are expected to succeed and make outstanding progress from their starting points. They are competent with the skills of subitising and have developed number sense skills. Pupils can talk about number and explain what it is and isn’t. They solve problems and make predictions about what might happen while using appropriate vocabulary. Our pupils apply their mathematical skills in a variety of contexts. They have a positive mind set about maths and making ‘mistakes’.
Specific Area: Understanding the World
We aim for our children at Moorlands to develop a deeper understanding of the world around them, developing a curiosity of what things are, how they work as well as wanting to learn more about cultures and communities while showing a mutual respect. They will respect the world around them and others, celebrating our similarities and differences, including our religious and cultural differences. Our pupils will have a greater sense of themselves and the changing environment.
In Reception children develop a more secure understanding of themselves and our bodies while engaged in our ‘Aliens Love Moorlands’ topic. They will learn about how family members lived in the past, as well as our local geographical area through our topic. We look at where we live and learn about our school environment. Children will have experience of using a range of equipment and sources (including maps) to enable them to find out and gather information which they then used to further their understanding and learning progressively across the year. Children will begin to understand different celebrations when relevant throughout the year. Our RE curriculum allows our children to further find out and understand about different celebrations within other cultures and religions. They will have had opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, cultures, technology and the environment, and will take part in rich and meaningful first-hand experiences such as cooking, visiting places in the local community (e.g. church), as well as enjoying visitors and school trips that enhance their learning. In Reception our R.E. allows children to learn about Christianity and Sikhism in particular. Our children will understand the natural changes that occur throughout the year. We explore a range of transports and how they work while also exploring different environments and countries through our ‘Santa’s Transport’ topic; learn about toys and look at differences between past and present through our ‘Toy Story’ topic; learn to plant seeds and nurture plants during ‘Fairy Tales’; learn about a wide range of animals, how to care for them and life cycles during our ‘Animal Kingdom’ topic; learn more about different occupations and how people help us throughout ‘Superheroes’ and design and test ideas and models in ‘Julia Donaldson’. Each topic throughout the year immerses our children in different areas of deepening their understanding of the world around them while our other provision and child initiated learning nurtures their curiosity to always find out more, explore further and test their ideas.
I think … because
last week
Below shows the progression of skills that build towards the Understanding the World Early Learning Goals.
Our children will leave the Foundation Stage with a firmer understanding and respect for people and communities and the world in which they live. Pupils understand the different roles people play within our society and will know that by calling 999 they can reach the emergency services. They will be observant, describing the changes they notice around them. They will be confident to talk about their families and friends. Pupils will care about their immediate environment and know that they can have an impact on the wider world.
Specific Area: Expressive Arts and Design
Our children will leave the Foundation Stage having had a wide variety of experiences within the Arts, where all their senses have been engaged and stimulated, and many other skills (such as language and team work) developed. Due to our curriculum promoting and valuing creativity, originality, expressiveness and individuality, pupils are confident in sharing their own preferences and making choices about different ways they can express themselves through a multitude of creative outlets such as art and design, music and dance and using their imaginations in role play and small world.
Our topics, lessons and learning environment give our children new, and varied experiences within the arts. They will have ample opportunities to observe and experiment with different materials, tools, techniques, music and movements. For our pupils, emphasis is put on the process they go through rather than on the finished product. In creating, designing and making children investigate and use a variety of materials and techniques and explored colour, line, shape, space, form, texture and pattern in two and three dimensions. They develop their visual, spatial and tactile awareness and used marks, picture drawings, paintings and constructions to create products. Through music, pupils express feelings and emotions. They will participate in playing instruments, using everyday objects to make music, singing, moving rhythmically and expressively to music, listen to music and create their own, often applying their ICT skills to enhance or record their work. Children are supported to develop their confidence and pride in their creative achievements. Direct adult led activities such as dance, role-play, stories, art, music lessons, ignite children’s creativity which they further explore through provision and child-led activities. We use practical activity, enquiry and purposeful play, with consolidation through practice, talk and reflection. Singing becomes part of our everyday learning whether this be traditional nursery rhymes, school songs or songs which support cross-curricular learning.
Below shows the progression of skills that build towards the Expressive Art and Design Early Learning Goals.
We believe all children will reach the Early Learning Goals in EAD by the end of the Foundation Stage. Our teaching and provision allow pupils to explore and share their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of art, design and technology, music, movement, dance, imaginative and role-play activities. Our pupils leave the Foundation Stage ready for the new knowledge and skills the National Curriculum has to offer in these areas.
look after
• letters
• long
• midline crossing
• purpose
• round
• sentences
• shoulder strength
• tripod grip
• vertical
• words
count on
take away
heavier than
holds less
holds more
lighter than
longer than
shorter than
next to
- in front
take care
Continuous Provision:
We provide effective and focused intervention for those children who are finding learning challenging and are not on track to meet expectations at the end of the year. This will be provided in an inclusive way and support from parents is also enlisted at an early stage to ensure that the children have every chance to achieve the Early Learning Goals.
The EYFS team collect evidence of children’s learning through work completed and ‘wow’ moment observations, which are then kept in their learning journey files or recorded on our Tapestry App. Parents are encouraged to use Tapestry in order to find out about their children’s learning as well as contribute their own special moments at home; they can also use proud parent certificates to celebrate these moments with us which we share in class.
We love to provide children with opportunities that they have not experienced before or that enhance their learning in school. We do this through our planned curriculum, our continuous provision as well as our 50 things to do at Moorlands which is part of their journey throughout school. Many of our children have limited experiences of being outside in nature. We are lucky enough to have expansive outdoor space at Moorlands with our field and school woodlands which include a pond and many outdoor learning opportunities. Many of our pupils have had limited opportunities to develop their food prep and cooking skills. We believe these skills are essential and so regularly incorporate cooking into our learning. Children are encouraged to problem solve, apply their knowledge (such as counting and measuring), follow directions and learn about cause and effect. Pupils gain a better understanding about where food comes from and healthy eating. Trips are also used to develop pupil’s knowledge, understanding and life skills. Some of these trips may be to the local church as well as to educational based organisations.
Throughout the year the Foundation Stage Team work closely together, discussing the learning taking place, any changes to provision or the curriculum, and moderating with one another. While we work slightly differently to meet the needs of the children, we ensure that our pedagogy and values are consistent, and that routines are maintained across both classes and implemented by all staff. We aim to work closely with our local pre-schools across the year, to aid a smooth transition to school, such as inviting them to join us for sessions or activities and to watch our Nativity performance. In Summer Term, we further develop this by working closely with all feeder pre-schools and Early Years settings such as childminders to ensure we visit children and learn key information to enable us to help children with their transition to school as much as possible. We also invite Early Years settings to join us in a planned transition topic which the children can begin at their Early Years setting and can continue to build upon in school, with similar activities as well as opportunities for new activities within a familiar topic to develop and deepen their learning further. This is also shared with families in the hope that it reaches all children in order to aid a smooth transition. As a Foundation Stage Team we also meet to discuss each pupil in detail, ensuring we have a rounded picture of every child and know how we can continue their learning journey. Children will also be invited to 'Stay and Play' sessions, first with their parents or carers, and then without their adult. Parents are also offered workshops in order to quickly support their children’s learning at home. In September Year R staff also conduct Home Visits to get to know children and families in a familiar setting.
By the end of the year we provide opportunities for our Year 1 teacher to come to observe and interact with the Reception children within their daily routine. The Year 1 teacher experiences their daily structure and lesson structure, as well as gaining a better understanding of the children’s current levels and how needs are met within the Foundation Stage. During the Summer term, as well as popping in to read stories and Transition Day activities, the Year 1 teacher plan a transition topic with the Year R teacher, and delivers this to the children, allowing all parties to get to know each other better. All staff members working within the classes also meet to discuss needs, home life and next steps for each pupil before they move to Year 1.
The team in Year R work tirelessly to ensure that children are surrounded by a kind, caring and happy environment which helps them develop the skills they will need in their journey through school and the wider world. It is a positive place to be where resilience, perseverance and successes are celebrated and every child feels valued and respected.
The impact of the EYFS curriculum is reflected in having well-rounded, happy and confident children transitioning into Year 1.
We do not expect teachers to spend a large amount of time collecting evidence of children’s learning journeys.
Teachers focus on the areas that make the biggest differences to children: high-quality care; a broad, balanced and well-sequenced curriculum; quality learning opportunities. The focus of assessment is to improve progress by tweaking provision in response to assessments.
Some children need more of our time than others. Some children come to our settings with a wealth of experience of books, conversations, visits and cultural activities, and lots of opportunities for movement. These children thrive in the exciting environments we provide; they need little assessment work. Other children come with little of these experiences and, therefore, need more of a structured approach to assessment.
As well as having a focus on children’s development, assessment also plays an important role in discovering children’s interests. This knowledge is used to enhance provision so that children are better supported in their development.
Instead of keeping a record of all children, we keep notes on children who are not meeting curriculum expectations (‘not on track’) and focus our subsequent actions on enhancing provision for these children. We make notes against the Progression Milestones for each of our prime areas, Literacy and Mathematics.
Progress is measured by making comparisons about what children could do at the beginning and end of a period of time, for example a self-portrait drawing in September and December or a conversation with the class teacher about a child’s social development.
Due to the reduced amount of evidence available, the focus for quality assurance is to:
observe teachers in the process of undertaking high-quality assessment for learning
evaluate the effectiveness of formative assessments in moving children’s learning forward
engage in moderation of summative assessment judgements at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage through dialogue with teachers and teaching assistants
The judgements of our school are moderated within the Foundation Stage Unit, Key Stage 1, S.L.T. and other schools, such as schools within our Reach Trust. This means judgements are secure and consistent with government guidelines.