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Year 6

Last Year!
Have a look below to see some of the things we got up to last year!

Southampton University

Southampton University Some of the year 6 pupils were lucky to be taught by university students who viisted our school once a week in a 10 week program. This culminated in a special visit to the university where they were presented with a certiificate and able to experience what a graduation would be like.

Olympic visitor in school
What a special day for Moorlands school. We were very lucky to take part in  fitness circuit  with Luke Delahunty.
Outdoor Learning - Grounds day
Deer class have enjoyed lots of outdoor learning. They made bird feeders from old coconuts and then put some in the school grounds to encourage birds into school. The children also collected sticks etc. to create a class bug hotel. Finally, they planted garlic cloves which they are looking forward to harvesting in 8 months’ time. We were lucky to have bulbs donated to us so we planted lots of bulbs in the school and in pots to use later for a special occasion – shh! it’s a secret!!
Mayan masks
Deer class were lucky to take part in an Art on wheels workshop from Southampton art gallery. It was very cool and linked to our work in History on the Mayans. The children had a lot of fun creating their clay mask and were very proud of their final piece.