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Foundation Curriculum
If you would like further information on our curriculum, please contact the school office. 


At Moorlands Primary School, we have designed our foundation curriculum with the intent that all children, regardless of background, will be inspired, motivated and supported to reach their full potential.Our curriculum was researched, curated and developed by Lion Pathways.  This approach helps pupils develop the ability to understand what they have done well and what they now know, how their current learning links to previous learning, and what their next steps are.



Our foundation curriculum for Science, History, Geography, Music, Art, DT and Computing is mapped across the school and progressively built on from EYFS through to the end of KS2 using the Lion Learning Pathways.

  • The progression of learning is comprehensive and sequential. Teachers can always be confident of covering all they are required to. A carefully worked-out sequence of learning then helps them refer back to what children have already learned and where they are heading from early years to year 6. It helps children build logically on what they know and to plot their own progress at the same time.


  • Learning always goes deeper and broader than the National Curriculum. We make sure every pupil, where appropriate, gets to go above and beyond the basic National Curriculum requirements. Getting children to do more and know more is a natural consequence of their development as “assessment proficient” learners. It also creates a powerful sense of aspiration and ambition in the classroom, which we know inspires independent learning and a readiness to move to the next level of education.


  • Language is always important. In every subject, we make the learning rich in opportunities to communicate. To be confident, independent and assessment proficient learners, our children need to be able to reflect on what they have learned and share their views with peers and teachers. Language – in our view – unlocks the potential of the Lion Curriculum.


  • Every lesson delivers. Every lesson has consistent features and activities that are all about supporting children to engage with their learning and make rapid gains as a result. Among a number of techniques  we build in regular, meaningful opportunities for children to discuss what they are learning and how it links to learning that they have covered before.


Teachers are encouraged to consider the use of the school grounds and the local area for fieldwork opportunities, school visits, visitors and other experiences to enrich the curriculum. This enables children to base learning on first hand understanding and enhances teaching and learning while widening their cultural capital.


When children leave Moorlands in Year 6, they will have developed a curiosity and passion for learning and the independence to express their opinions and beliefs. The impact of our foundation curriculum is measured in a variety of ways.

  • Questioning during lesson time

  • Marking children’s written work

  • Listening to child-led discussions

  • Pupil interviews across the school

  • Book looks

  • Children’s self assessment of their learning.

If you require any further information about our Curriculum please see your class teacher or e-mail
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