Year Book 20-21
This year has been another interesting one but there has been so much going on at school. Have a look below at just a few of the highlights from the year from across the school.
Dinosaur Eggs!!
Andy has sent us some dinosaur eggs that we need to look after and then send to the museum. However, the museum do not know how to look after them so we need to write instructions to help the museum and keep the eggs safe.
What would you do to look after them?
Odd Sock Day 2020
We have worn odd socks to school to take part in Odd Sock Day as part of anti bullying week.
The odd socks celebrate that we are all different.
Pumpkin Soup
We transformed into chefs this half term to create our own instructions on how to make pumpkin soup. The children chopped the pumpkin and onion before mixing them on the hob. We added butter and crushed a stock cube to also add into the saucepan. After it had cooked for a while, we added some cream and then got to taste and smell it! It was delicious - Masterchef here we come!
Titanic Marble Treat
Welcome aboard the infamous Titanic. We spent an afternoon dining in luxury. Acting in role as first class passengers we ordered from the first class menu, we ate, drank and danced. We had the BEST marble treat EVER!
Today has been EPIC! Today we were actual real life super heroes! Following on our literary hero journey we are now living and breathing Comic Book life! We are learning how to write our very own comics and what better way to do that then to create our very own superheros! Prepare to be amazed..!
Comic Book Day!
When Bumblebees became Romans.....
Today was the day for Bumblebees to take on their new roles...Roman soldiers! Everyone looked amazing in their costumes and the children's shields they made for their homework were incredible!
We spent our day learning about different events in Roman history, how the soldiers fought in battles, the weapons they used and we also looked at our English text Escape from Pompeii!
Have a look at our amazing costumes and shields below. Some of the children also showed off their best battle faces, hopefully they don't scare you too much!!
When Bumblebees became Literary Heroes.....
Today we did the impossible. Today we took our learning to new realms of possibilities. Today we became literary heroes and used magic to travel inside non-fictions books based around Bumblebees to immerse ourselves in the text. It wasn't without risk but we were up to the challenge lead by our Bumblebee chief!
After we all become experts on all there is to know about Bumblebees, we used our knowledge to write our own non chronological reports about Bumblebees!